Grafiskā dizaina pakalpojumi lielām un mazām kompānijām.
Idejas pārvērstas vizuāļos
Esmu strādājusi gandrīz ar visu - sākot no prezervatīvu paciņas dizaina pirms 15 gadiem līdz Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas zīmola rebrendingam salīdzinoši nesen.
Mana mīļākā nodarbe ir pārvērst vēstījumus viegli uztveramos vizuāļos. Esmu ieinteresēta sadarboties uz īstermiņa, maza-vidēja izmēra projektiem, kas saistīti ar izglītību, uzņēmējdarbību un veselību. Drukāti vai digitāli – dod tik šurp!
Apskati jaunākos darbus vai senāku portfolio Behancē
Ar kādiem materiāliem esmu strādājusi:
logo, vizuālās identitātes, zīmolgrāmatas, ilustrācijas, infografikas, iepakojuma dizains, grāmatu dizains, mājaslapu dizains, mobilo aplikāciju dizains, banneri, one-pageri, vizītkartes, prezentāciju dizains un sagataves, reklāmas dizains, key visuals, p.o.s. materiāli u.c.
Darbnīcas un mentorings
Vadu zīmola dizaina darbnīcas uzņēmumu vadītājiem individuāli vai grupās, arī akseleratoros un inkubatoros, lai palīdzētu gūt skaidrību par zīmola tēlu un tā vizuālās komunikācijas piemērotākajiem elementiem.
“Good design is like a refrigerator—when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.”
–Irene Au

Par Artu
Latviete. Partnere radošos projektos. 12 gadu pieredze grafiskajā dizainā. Mentore zīmola, mājaslapu un UX dizaina jautājumos. Happy Playbooks pašizaugsmes špikeru autore un dizainere.

Guna Kalnina
Transformational coach and
HR Management consultant
I cooperated with Arta twice - first was text design + visual identity, second - Intelligent Career cards colour and text design. Cooperation twice - that's already is a sign of quality :) and I have plans for the 3rd and 4th project together with Arta.
Arta is very responsive, creative and precise. With attention to details, still - keeping in mind a big picture. It'a rare quality for creative millennials :)

Mirza Sagdati
Founder and Program Lead
at Red Brick Accelerator
Arta is a fantastic coach and easy to work with. She hosted a brand strategy workshop in Red Brick Accelerator program and helped to coach our teams. The teams have received individual help via 1-on-1 coaching.
She had a very thorough approach to brand building, introducing brand basics, tools and guidelines. The startups found her session very useful as it improved their brand identities and empower them to build on it. According to the session feedback, startup teams in our batch really liked it (it was rated 9.4 out of 10).

Kaspars Vendelis
Keynote speaker, author and
Co-creator of biohacking.lv
There is one rare combination of skills that Arta has. Very well versed in marketing and communications with high talent and skills in graphic design. To understand what a specific brand stands for and translate it into the language of visualization. That shows also the ability to read other people and to understand branding core values.
Awesome experience and I am looking forward to working on even more projects with Arta!